Monday, January 28, 2013

Idle No More.. We come in Peace

Four women who said
We are Idle No More
Awakened the whole world
Simply knocking on the door

We're very scared mothers
Childrens' lives are at stake
Canada will be poisoned
Every river, stream and lake

Come outside and see
Take a really long look
This beauty before you
Will be in a history book

There's no environment protection
The government took that away
It also broke Treaties
That weren't just for display

We're First Nation ladies
Proud of who we are
We forever stand united
Even when distanced from afar

We love our country
As probably you do yours
We are all indigenous
Connected water, shore to shores

The world's in danger
Our lands from here to there
Affects the global future
For our grandchildren to share

To all media people
Start reporting the harsh truth
Outside the lines, perhaps
A job for a real sleuth
To all Canadian people
We call you to lead
To all government officials
We will see you concede

Four women once said
We are Idle No More
Began a millions movement
Peacefully knocking at the door

By Lisa A. MacLeod